Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Stellas Blessing Dress (retakes @ 4 months)

Why retakes? I wanted to get more pics of her dress up close (also I did have Jana's special request). She also was a lot happier today compared to her blessing day 2 months ago. It was a good thing I didn't wait another minute, her arms wouldn't have fit into her dress!
The headband, booties, and dress have coordinating rosebuds

check out that bicep!


  1. pretty as a princess (cute and adorable too). all those 'lil roses are perfect for Stella ROSE!
    enjoy each moment. rolly-poly babies turn 10 out of the blue :(

  2. i love t he one of you and stella together where she's sticking her tongue out. You're both very pretty :)

  3. I love that you have a blog...Your Stella is most darling. I just wish she liked me as much as I like her! ha ha

  4. I love Stella's blessing outfit and the little rosebuds you sewed on. Darling.

  5. Oh, I also love that big smile in so many of these pictures!
