Wednesday, April 3, 2013

oh the things she says....

So Stella talks a lot, and really well.... so I realized now is that time to start compiling those funny things she says.... so here is a start

- "Jesus makes your hair grow long" (she was talking to daddy)

- "Stella, why do you like to sleep with me?" she replied, "I help you go to sleep momma"  (She has been in our bed since 9 months-old, going to be a rough transition one of these days.... I am hoping that it won't be a big family bed when #2 arrives...)

-"Stella, today you have a new babysitter/friend, her name is Mary" she replied, " and Baby Jesus?"  after Mary watched her she let me know that there was no Baby Jesus...

-"What are you making" asked daddy, she replied, "a robot butterfly"  (if you know Brent very well, he has a thing for robots, so this made him very happy)

-Regularly she will tell us she had "the best time" in nursery, kids club, or whatever it is she has done...then we ask, "what did you do?"  she replies "I don't know?"

-Today Brent was done with his workout and had his shirt off...she was playing with him and told him, "cool boobs daddy"

-Very regularly she will sing or say, "my mommy's having a baby"

-In the middle of sacrament meeting Stella announced, "Buenos Dias" very loudly....she has picked up some helpful spanish from Dora...

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