Monday, November 8, 2010

More Cute Pics

Stella was so bored @ cute in her retro onesie

Stella loves her Daddy, her favorite sleeping position is a warm chest (preferably her parents')
I just like her outfit, thanks to Liesl for the onesie (notice the built in necklace) and Christie for the ballet slippers!!
I thought it would be fun to dress her up in her tutus. Well she didn't....

We are in love with Stella, she is the best thing that ever happened to us!! She is smiling now!! I'll post a big smile when I get one on camera!


  1. love the sleeping and crying pictures. it's what babies do best!! so awesome. i love babies that sleep sprawled out like that first one.

  2. Oh my gosh, I love Stella. She is so cute! Those chubby arms are super baby awesome.

  3. Cute cute post!! Love the pic of Stella sleeping on Brent's chest. Just so cute.

  4. She is getting so chubby! What a doll, you must produce cream lol

  5. Love all these adorable photos - can't wait to see you all again soon and have some cuddle time with Stella. Love her smiles!

  6. cute! can't wait to get my hands on her.
