Monday, February 14, 2011

4 months!!

We were lucky to get a visit from mom and dad. They gave Brent and I an evening had been 4 months, we forgot how nice it was to watch a movie @ the theatre!! We also took mom and dad to an excellent peruvian restaurant for dad's birthday. Thanks for coming!!
Dad has a pal!

Hi dad!!

Check out that grip! One of Stella's latest accomplishments is grabbing and holding. She loves this little toy, and in particular it's antennae. (she loves sucking on it, sometimes it gags her...)

Stella loves this finger, always sucking on it. Recently however she has found her thumb!!
Stella and Zellie, the difference that 4 months can make!!
We made a visit to see our new little friend, Stella got to try on her cute fluffy booties. Thanx Miranda!! I think she found them on etsy...

Stella wears snowsuits while she naps in her swing in the cold basement while I run...we also have started to go outside in the jogging stroller, we love it!!

Stellas Stats @ 4 month appointment!

Weight: 15 lbs, 15 oz 95%

Height: 24.5 in. 75%

Head Circ: 16.5 in 80%

As you can see she is thriving!! Her latest accomplishments include...

*first bite of cereal, she seemed to like it but prefers nursing
*drooling, she wets through her bibs and clothes!! Are teeth coming soon?
*crawling backward, not forward yet (she can push herself anywhere)
*supported standing
*grabbing, holding
*sitting up, but not very reliable
*going to sleep on her own! (we did a crash course on the crying it out method and it worked, she was setting her own bedtime for awhile, 1 am just wasn't working out for us!!) Still not sleeping all the through the night, but I can deal with one feeding!

1 comment:

  1. Stella, Stella Bo Bella. She is a cutie. She has quite the impressive stats! Ha ha Love the pics of that girl!
