Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Trunk-or Treating....with the neighborhood gang
bumble-bee in flight

Stella really enjoyed her first Halloween, mainly because she was excited about walking around outside at night. (she loves being outside more than anything) I of course loved the variety of candy that Stella collected (actually that I selected). We went to the ward trunk-or-treat as well as walking our neighborhood. She was the cutest bumble-bee ever!

Stella loves her suckers...mainly because they are round (sweet helps) She likes anything round... cherry tomatoes, grapes, balls, balloons, round cheese puffs. It's funny she wants to eat grapes, but as soon as I cut them up she doesn't want them anymore.
I splurged and bought her a pottery barn treat-tote, with her name on it (we call it Stellaton)

We were pleasantly surprised by this clan...who are these people?


  1. Did you see the trunk or treat pics on my blog? I got some cute ones of Stella.

  2. Love the bumblebee costume, so cute.
