Tuesday, October 15, 2013

labor and delivery #2!!

So here it is 2 months later....and I'm finally finding a little time to write...with Billie in my lap:)  So going into labor is the most exciting event for me....here is how it went down....

At 4 am Tuesday morning (August 13th) which was 8 days shy of my due date....I sat up in bed to get up for the bathroom....and I felt a little gush, and noticed a wet spot about 3 inches wide in bed....  I thought it felt like my water break, but then nothing continued.... I thought it might have just been pee, so I laid back in bed.  I started having mild contractions in my back, but no more water gushing... I told Brent to go to work, unsure if I was in labor.

I canceled my morning appointment and then decided to go for a walk with Stella....I didnt even take a towel in case my water broke more.  I called the hospital and told them what happened and they told me to come in for a swab.  So after walking 4 miles , Stella and I drove to the hospital, with a little bag of clothes for Billie (nothing for me, I didn't really believe I would be staying).  I walked in with Stella on my hip and explained that I thought my water may have broke.  The nurses just smiled at me, totally not believing my story.

They gowned me, swabbed me, and monitored my contractions (which were real come to find out). After an hour and a half of watching t.v. with Stella at the hospital, they confirmed I had indeed ruptured my membranes.  I was so excited to stay at the hospital and have a baby...even though I didn't even feel like I was in labor yet (I wasn't even dilated).  We walked past the nurse station and they laughed because they didn't think I would be staying.  I let Brent know I was in labor....but told him not to rush in yet because nothing was happening.  Stella and I hung out in my hospital room until 1 pm when Megan came and picked her up.  Just after Stella left they started me on pitocin and they broke my water again.... Brent finally arrived around 1:30, nice to have my husband there:) Labor went really slow at first, dilation barely happening....then it hit really hard around 3:30, I asked for an epidural, and then had to wait for over an hour....pretty awful hour actually.  I was barfing and shaking and crying.  Finally I got the PERFECT epidural, I could feel my legs, and I felt relief!  30 minutes after my epidural I felt a lot of pressure, then the nurse checked me, and well I was ready to push!! ahahaha. I didn't even get to enjoy my epidural!

I asked for the mirror, because I forgot with Stella, and then thought I was in for at least 30 minutes of pushing....nope, ONE push and Billie emerged.  It was so amazing to watch her come out of my body....so crazy!!  Dr. Barton (who we loved) had to unwrap the cord 3x from her neck!!  He said he hadn't even seen that before.... Brent cut her cord, then she cried.... and I cried.... the BEST thing ever.  She was born at 5:30 pm, 6 lbs. 6 oz.  and she was and is perfect.

I stayed 2 nights in the hospital, and was so ready to come home (althought I really did enjoy my stay at St. Marks, food wasn't bad, and I like to get pampered by the nurses).   Brent went back to work on Thursday, so I decided not to bother anybody and checked myself out of the hospital and drove us home.... It was really kind of weird and surreal, because I had driven there all pregnant and with Stella, and then I drove home not pregnant, with this new baby.  I walked into James' house to pick up Stella and just started bawling.  I was pretty emotional for a little while.... I experienced a little bit of post-pregnancy remorse.  I actually miss being pregnant.... it was a little worse with Billie because Brent and I had agreed to be done with 2 kids.  So it kind of depressed me to think that this part of my life was over....(I'm still not convinced it is:))

My mom and sister arrived that night and got my house ready for the baby.  I had a lot of things that I had not finished up.  It was so wonderful to spend that time with them.  My mom as always was a HUGE help.  My recovery was super fast, the day I came home from the hospital, I took Stella for her "nap" walk in the 95 degree weather.  I started running a week later.... It was crazy how fast I felt good.   So looking back on Billie's birth, I have the best memories.  I loved every minute (aside from puking and shaking in delivery).  Welcome to our lives my sweet Billie Marie.  I love you with all my heart.


  1. best post ever!! i'm happy to get the FULL rundown of it all. do you want to be my surrogate? i might not mind taking care of another kid but getting them here is my real problem. i'm so jealous that it's so easy for you to bounce back. i was like that with the twins, but i'm still dealing with problems due to my pregnancy and kit is 17 months old.

  2. Thanks for sharing your story! I'm Heather and I was just wondering if you could answer my question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)

  3. Baby Billie's arrival was especially exciting for me because I was actually around. Super fun! Good job!

  4. Only you could walk several miles while in labor. :) I love birth stories!
