Saturday, December 28, 2013

Billies first days home

 One of our favorite family pictures taken on a walk by James and Summers' house

 Stella loved to do this with her arms as well, so precious
Roses from my dear mother, she was so amazing to come spend a week pampering our whole family.  Thanks again mom for being so wonderful, I am really missing her today! (currently I am trying to sleep train Billie and I am listening to her cry, it is really not fun)
 Our first outing to Thanksgiving Point, Stella needed to get out....
 Proud Mama
 Proud Sister
 Proud Daddy


  1. Cute photos! You guys are a pretty adorable little family.

  2. I think it is official now... You are no longer the anderson trio! But now you are 10 times cuter!!
