Sunday, December 26, 2010

3 months old!

Wow, I know everyone tells you that time will fly once the baby comes, and I understand's been a wonderfully interesting and challenging ride. I've neglected to write much on the blog because usually I update it with one hand while the other holds Stella. My goal is to journal on my blog as well because then I can kill 2 birds with one stone.

Brent and I have become a parenting "team." I started working around 25 hours about a month after Stella was born, so Brent has become Mr. Mom when I'm away. We also have been blessed with family and friends who also help care for Stella. It seems she has had more crying spells with her poor dad, but today I got the pleasant experience of one myself. Brent's tactic is to put Stella in the car and drive, she loves to be in motion! Brent has become an amazing dad, and has become an excellent diaper changer and baby soother. Stella loves it when Brent sits on the exercise ball and bounces while watching t.v. (she loves to watch t.v. too)

Stella's list of new abilities....

*chewing her tongue, it's adorable
*tracking movement
*moving while on her stomach
*huge smiles, nearly giggling
*sleeping for 6 hours @ a time, waiting for 8!

I thought I'd also post her stats from the last doctor appointments. Brent had the pleasant experience of taking Stella to her 2 month vaccinations. He said it was one of the hardest things he's had to watch...she screamed for 30 minutes, then fell asleep. She actually was the easiest baby for about 3 days after that because she just wanted to sleep!

birth weight 7 lbs. 10 oz

3 days after birth

7 lbs. 6 oz
21 in. long
13.5 in (head circumference)

2 weeks

9 lbs. 1 oz
21.5 in long
14 in (head)

2 months

12 lbs. 13 oz (95%)
22 in (50%)
15.5 in (head) 75%

She is a growing girl and loves to eat!!


  1. She has grown since I saw her only a couple of weeks ago! I miss you all already!

  2. It's seriously amazing how quickly time flies once the little ones make their appearance. I can't believe Stella's already three months!

  3. Great post Lori!! Time does fly... enjoy your little one now because soon she'll be 16 and.... oh well don't want to scare you. You guys are doing great.
